The barometer of the Romanian insurance market, ASIBUS, is a quantitative survey, with national urban representativeness. The study tracks the population behavior and attitudes regarding insurance products: life, health, home, car. It has been done since 2005.
Who can use ASIBUS?
This survey is extremely useful to all insurance companies, big or small, to private medical services providers or any other interested party which wants to find out the evolution of this market. From the very beginning, ASIBUS has been enjoying a high appreciation among the insurance market players.
ASIBUS objectives
- General perception on insurance products
- Insurance companies - previous experience with, awareness, trust level, insurance types contracted
- Life insurance - awareness, willingness to buy and pay
- Health insurance - awareness, willingness to buy and pay
- Preferred medical services included in a private health insurance policy
- Home insurance - awareness, willingness to buy and pay
- Motor Hull insurance - awareness, willingness to buy and pay
- Adoption of new types of insurance
- Information sources for insurance